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Dear Friends, esteemed colleagues,


lovers of our challenging discipline.


It takes a long time to become young (Pablo Picasso) and it takes a long time, passion and will to become and remain a neuroradiologist.
To remain, also means to stay still during the storm. That storm that has hit everyone in recent years, everyone involved, touched, frightened and finally regenerated. The pandemic – from the ancient Greek πάνδημος (pándēmos), “that which affects all people,” – has shuffled the cards of our knowledge and awareness.


In 2023, the city of Bergamo, together with Brescia, because of their recent history, became the Italian Capital of Culture, and were called the illuminated city.


From the “lighthouse city,” which stands as a landmark, to the “dynamo city,” capable of transforming its own industriousness into positive energy. With this in mind, we have tried to set up our congress as a moment of cross-sharing and debate between our own and other disciplines. The choice of the Auditorium of the Seminario Vescovile, as the congress venue, is also in this perspective.
Always a meeting point, the Seminary is a city within a city. Located in the beautiful and historic setting of Bergamo Città Alta, the venue consists of a welcoming auditorium equipped with the latest technologies, a lecture hall for parallel sessions and satellite rooms that will host the laboratories dedicated to diagnostic and interventional neuroradiology.


In the morning of the first day, the Refresher Course will be held, which will review the function and anatomy, including the vascular anatomy of our brain. The Course is dedicated to young and the not-so-young neuroradiologists who want to deepen their knowledge in the field of neuroradiology. We will have the honor and opportunity to host foreign speakers of great stature and absolute inspiration such as Anne Osborn, who will share with us their knowledge and innovative spirit, as well as speakers from industry who will share their approach to research and development.


The following days will feature lectures, symposia, and the interactive interventional seminars (limited number).
There will be no shortage of convivial occasions, moments of physical activity (AINRun), a ‘young’ evening and a large social dinner where we would like to share moments of serenity, art, libation and dance, in the best neuroradiology tradition.
We are waiting for you to experience together the new Italian Capital of Culture with the 32nd National Congress of the Italian Society of Neuroradiology!

Interview for L’ECO DI BERGAMO

Simonetta Gerevini

The President of 32nd AINR National  Congress